Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Monday, May 24, 2021

Lots of Family for Mother's Day

 A couple months ago, Miguel's brother Pedro and the rest of the family started discussing the possibility of them all meeting here in Magdalena to celebrate Mother's Day together. (Pedro lives in California with Miguel's dad. Miguel hadn't seen him in 9 years!) So on May 8th, Miguel and I picked up his mom, three siblings, nephew, and baby niece in Hermosillo at the airport and on Sunday, Pedro, his girlfriend Brenda, and her grandfather arrived from California. We spent a fun, lively week together. Pedro, Brenda, and her grandpa went back to California the following Monday. Lola and the rest stayed until May 23rd.

Mother's Day evening (May 10th here) we all got dressed up and took family photos. Lola hadn't been with all of her children in nine years!
Back L-R: Kevin (nephew), Brian (brother), Miguel
Middle L-R: Pedro (brother), Lola (mom), Fani (sister), Me, Brenda (Pedro's girlfriend), José (Brenda's grandpa)
Front L-R: Fernanda (sister), Natalie (niece)

(relationship to Miguel)

Pedro, Lola, and Miguel on Mother's Day

We so enjoyed meeting our niece Natalie (Fani's daughter). She turned four months old while she was here and didn't cry much at all unless she was hungry.

Miguel loves babies and Natalie soon had him wrapped around her little finger.

On Mother's Day here (May 10th), Fernanda and Kevin went to work with me and helped me make pizzas for the houses. (The kitchen ladies were off work for Mother's Day)

We made a tres leches cake with mango on top for Mother's Day.

The kids hanging out. I enjoyed going with the little boys to the park and playing hide-n-go-seek!

Making Pozole! We had a lot of delicious, mexican cooking!

Brenda and her grandpa making us a shrimp dinner. 

One unfortunate event took place the first Sunday afternoon when Pedro arrived. They were driving from California and he had never driven across the border into Mexico, so Miguel, and I and his mom decided to drive up to Nogales to help him cross. On the way, we hit a tope a little too hard and completely snapped this hose under the front of the car. So we sat on the side of the road for a couple hours, Pedro drove down on his own, and Keith Beyer (thanks Keith!) brought a trailer to haul our car back to Magdalena. Let's just say I had a bad headache that night from the sun and all the chaos in general. Thankfully, I felt better by the next morning!

The Sunday before Pedro left, we spent some time in the plaza. Here I am with Fernanda, Fani, and Natalie.

I enjoyed connecting with Fani over the two weeks she was here.

All the girls!

Miguel and I in the plaza.

Miguel with his mom and siblings and Fani's two children, Kevin, and Natalie.

Sunday, May 23rd, we got up at 3:30 in the morning and we're at the airport by 6:30 AM. We helped them get their boarding passes and check their bags and said goodbye. So much fun! We will miss them! Until next time...