Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

25th birthday!

Miguel grilling me a steak dinner for my birthday!

Birthday supper!

A walk at sunset

planting my bugambilias (my birthday present!)

Trying my hand at sewing face masks last Saturday

Miguel all ready for work

Me with my face mask

The aftermath

With the extra time from no social activities, I've been enjoying drawing. Here are a couple of my favorites.

With many if not all of us under orders to stay at home, I thought this poem might be appropriate.


I was a spiritual claustrophobic
With great fear of losing control,
When God turned to me and said the words
That horrified my soul.

“Do you see that space in the crevice?
I want you to crawl right through.”
And I shuddered and worried in anguish
At this last thing I wanted to do.

How long is the passage? I wondered.
What’s found on the other side?
Will there be light for the journey?
Have others done this and died?

But God with His patient prompting,
Continued to speak His command,
“I’ve led through the rivers and battles,
I will be holding your hand.”

So finally I stooped and entered,
The passage was cramped, dark, and long
Often I thrashed in my panic
But then kept creeping along.

Sometimes I couldn’t go further,
But didn’t know how to reverse.
I thought I would die in the darkness, 
Until I remembered God’s verse.

“Even when you cannot see me,
I am holding your hand.
I’ve led you this far and will lead you,
Whatever I may demand.”

And there in my bleakest hour
My faith reaches past the damp walls.
With nothing else to sustain me,
My all on my Savior falls.

My tears carve a shimmering river
As I choke my surrender to Christ
Feeling His presence as I pledge
To follow whatever the price

Then light at the end of the tunnel,
A scramble and what have I found?
The sweetest of beauties of heaven and earth,
That amaze, enrapture, astound.

I’ll dance in this meadow of glory
Until I hear spoken again,
“Do you see that space in the crevice?
Once more it is time to begin.”

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Ranch Adventures Round Two

Monday we took a second trip to the ranch being used by Rancho Agua Viva, but first a few other random photos.

My right field view of softball for once. (I am consistently the catcher.)

Balto has been suffering from an infected foot. Here is a photo from the short span his "bandage" lasted.

We are required to have some fire drills in the individual buildings this year. So here are a couple photos from the drill Amalia, Bertha, and I did in the kitchen the other day.

Miguel and I replanted the garden at CVE (after our fall planting died due to the cold.)
The first thing to come up was the radishes.

Monday was a holiday for Benito Juarez' birthday and Carlos and Marty Bahler planned an outing to the ranch. It was just as delightful a day as the outing we had the beginning of February. It was also probably our last day of normalcy before Coronavirus restrictions hit the area. 

The firemen building our fire. They did a great job!

Bombas and hotdogs again for the win!

This trip almost everyone took a hike up a nearby "hill."
Here are some photos from our hike.

Some of us girls took a different route and ended up in some tight and somewhat scary places. But it was quite the adventure!

Me arriving at the top.

Heading out with the well-loaded gator and it's expert driver.

Last Thursday (April 12), we were still planning on a work team for the end of the month and had only been hearing about Coronavirus on the news. It seemed like a distant threat on the other side of the world. By Monday (April 16), all mission travel from the USA (outside of Arizona) was restricted and school in Sonora had been canceled for the next month. I know all of us are experimenting abrupt changes in schedules and plans. It has been a long time since the world has been affected in so many areas by one cause. May this time remind us that God is in control, not us, and may we look to Him for peace! Prayers for all of you in your areas of the world and for those who are sick or worrying for the health of their loved ones!

Thanks for your prayers and support!

In All Things

Butterflies. Azure skies. Happiness. Rain
Walking miles, Friendly smiles. Contentment. Pain.
Lessons learned. Hard way earned. Experience. Fears.
Prayer times sweet at His feet. Melodies. Tears.
Often said. Often read. Happy or sad.
As we live, thanks to give. Life be good or bad. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

CVE's 15th anniversary

In February we celebrated the 15th anniversary of when CVE received their first children, so in honor of that I'm going to post a few pictures from CVE's infancy...

The youngest girl in this picture is now in her 20's.

My 12th birthday in 2007.

The new exciting activity after fire hose water connections were installed.

My dad blowing bubbles with the kids.

And about 15 years later...

 I was thankful to have three of my family members visit to attend the celebration!

Gary, Mom, and Philip were able to stay through Monday. 

We climbed the Cross Mountain.

And had supper together and a time to play games. 

On Tuesday I was able to take them up to Tucson for their flight.

My neighbor girl (one of the students I give a ride to school) turned 8 years old and gave me this cupcake!

This post wouldn't be complete without adding this picture of Miguel with Denver and Katie's Jude from Fernando and Jackie's wedding a few weeks ago. Cuties!

At our last nurture group session, we drew pictures of each other without looking at the paper. It gave a lot of good laughs as the facial features were scattered all over the face!

My first horse class took place last Friday. Meet Sultan, my new ride! He's a sweet little horse.

For the last seven months, I've been using these pages I made for my prayer time. One side has a space for praise (adoration), confession, and thanksgiving and the other for prayer requests (supplication) and a key thought for the month. This idea came from the acronym ACTS - Adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication - if you've heard of it. I've really been enjoying it and since I make a new sheet each month it keeps me more focused/purposeful about what I'm praying. Another thing I like about it is that I leave the thanksgiving section blank and then write one thanksgiving item each day.

Just thought I would share for anyone who would like to try something like it!

The Climax of Ages

How I thank Thee for Thy Word,
Never ending fount of life
That I read it day to day,
A balm, a guidebook, and a knife.

By the bed, in church, at table,
Reverently we look within,
Finding truth and light and answers,
Strength for overcoming sin.

Many stories of the past 
Good examples and the bad,
Teaching us the way of virtue,
Conduct that will make hearts glad.

In the Psalms we see glimpses
Of the heart that seeks the Lord.
In the letters we are taught
To fight God’s battle with His sword.

In the Gospels is recounted
Jesus’ life and death and grave.
Oh, the climax of the ages
That He lives our souls to save!

God bless each of you!