Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Weddings and Birthdays

 Saturday, March 13th, I was thankful to attend the wedding reception of Francisco and Jaqueline. Francisco is less than a week older than me, grew up at CVE and was my classmate in the fifth grade. He recently gave his life to Christ and is on fire for Jesus! He and his wife have two little boys and made the decision to get married as the Bible teaches. It's been a blessing to reconnect with Francisco and get to know his family. Please pray for him that his first love would stay alive and that he would mature in Christ and as the leader of his family. I'm meeting with Jaqueline every couple weeks for a Bible study. Please pray for her and I as we explore God's plan for redemption.

Miguel enjoys watching videos of a man who purchases and taste tests army rations from different countries and time periods. The other night I had a burst of inspiration and enjoyed coming up with a homemade version of army rations complete with "water purification tablets" (mints!), individually packaged crackers, a can to heat water for coffee, and a heat source (the stainless steel pan thing there. I don't know how it works exactly, but it has a fuel source in a can inside). We then ate the "army rations" for supper!

Since February, one of the CVE girls has been coming to spend every other Tuesday afternoon with me.  We have been having a blast - making suppers, playing games, and goofing around. Here I tried on my wedding dress for her. Miguel wasn't home, so we held his photo for the picture! :|

Miguel found a job working for a local vet. He helps load and unload the feed bags that the vet sells, packages feed, cleans the feed storage shed, runs errands, and is learning to give shots to dogs. He works Monday through Saturday from 8:30-1:30, has a 2 hour lunch break, and then works from 3:30-7:00 PM. This is the old-time Mexican schedule which allows for the afternoon siesta. He is also continuing to study high school which he started pursuing again at the beginning of the year. So he is a very busy man these days!

Some of you may have heard that there has been some more violence between the drug cartels in our area. We're thankful that it appears to have calmed some after a week or so of various shootings, however please continue to pray for our community. Pray for those involved in and/or affected by the gangs and the violence and that we can be a light! Each person is precious to God and he has a plan for each one's life. 

I had a nice birthday last weekend. Welcome 26 years! Thanks to all of you who remembered me and sent messages. I felt very loved. Miguel made me eggs and bacon for breakfast and steak tacos for supper and bought me chocolates! Yum! Yum!

 I also got to eat ice-cream out of a delicious waffle cone at our farewell party for Carlos and Marty Bahler. They arrived in January and we said goodbye to them on Monday. We can't wait until next January when, Lord willing, they come again!

I'm excited that my brother and mom arrive on Friday! Please pray that they have a safe and enjoyable trip. Also, excited to celebrate Miguel's birthday next week. He will be 24 years old!

Thanks for your love and prayers!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 So once again... I have very few photos for a post, but here we are!

Pancakes and salsa making on a Saturday morning while Miguel was hard at work at Denver and Katie Slagel's putting in pavers for outdoor church services.

Decorating T-shirts with my Nurture Group Girls for the past two weeks.

Our first official Sunday night supper in almost a year! Our CVE grandparents, Carlos and Marty Bahler, made the last one in March 2020 and this year they're back again and got permission to do the first one since lockdown! It also happened to be Keith Beyer's birthday!

With Jenna and Adam leaving for their trip to Indiana and then moving in May, they had a "garage sale" of free items and I got this comforter set, just in time to spiff up the guest bedroom for my mom and brother, Tim, who plan to come the end of this month!

We're thankful to be having church services at Denver and Katie's. Please pray for us as we look for options to rent a different building in town. Pray that God would work out what is best for the church!

Today I told Tadeo and the rest of the Leman family goodbye for the next month. Then they'll be back for about six weeks and leave again for good. Please pray for me as I process Tadeo's move. He has been such a big part of my life for the last six years, it's hard for me to imagine life without him. Please pray that I can have my identity firmly rooted in Christ no matter the changes around me.



I love you Buddy!