Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

cooking painting working living loving

Watercolor with my Nurture Group girls

Monday a couple weeks ago, I had to run into town to pick up some bread for a cookout. And guess who I ran into? This handsome young man. It was so good to see Mani again. He got a nice haircut since the last time I saw him. We had a nice chat while I waited for my bread order. I can't believe he's already 11 years old!

A week or so ago, the church administrators located this large machine shed/barn in downtown Magdalena. The owners were willing to lend it to us for church services in exchange for us cleaning it up. Here Cassidy, Marce, and Issa, sweep water from the power washer. It got power washed from top to bottom and Sunday we had our first service there. We are so thankful to be shielded from the hot sun and for all the space! This is still a temporary arrangement, but we are thankful for God's provision.

I've been trying to cook more balanced meals this month. Here's a photo of parmesan chicken with rice, broccoli, and sliced tomato.

And ribs with salad and a small baked potato.

It's been fun. Basically, I've been trying to have more vegetables.

The Lemans are back for three weeks before their big move. Tadeo came to the comedor this afternoon and hung out with me while I worked on cleaning the sergers. We enjoyed our juice boxes that got donated from the Midwest Food Bank! It's neat to see the new things he's picked up from the last month while he was gone to Indiana. I'm going to miss this kid, but I'm starting to get used to the idea. Thanks for all your prayers!

All the fuzz...

Thankfully, all seven sewing machines I was working on and the two sergers I cleaned today should be up and running soon. I'm only missing one screw for a presser foot on one of the machines and it should be in the mail. Then all the sewing machines will be working!

I cleaned around a number of these "broken" machines for three years and plotted how I could get rid of them. Finally I decided I had the time and I should stop being lazy and tackle the project. It's been interesting and I've definitely learned a lot about cleaning out fuzz, adjusting tension, different brands and foot pedals, screws and screwdrivers (multiple trips to the shop to try to find one that would fit!), and so much more. 
It's a good reminder to me to not shy away from new and seemingly difficult tasks! 

Miguel and I would appreciate prayers for a trip that his mom and siblings (including Pedro from California) hope to make to visit us over Mother's Day. 

It's been a bit since I added a poem, so let's end this post with this little poem about contentment and satisfaction. I wrote this in 2011. I was 16 and I had no idea what God would lead me toward! I pray that even now that I've found "my place in life," that I would continue with the same patience and contentment in the daily tasks. I still don't know what may be ahead!

Satisfied with Jesus Way

Content to grow and learn in Thee

Content to watch and wait

Content to do the daily tasks 

For God is never late

Content to pray and read God’s word

To encourage those I meet

To sing and praise God’s wondrous works

To look to heaven’s gate

Content to seek a home above 

Content to please the Lord

Satisfied with Jesus way

And all He leads me toward.