Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

It's almost EXPO!

Which for us means projects, mess, borrowing ingredients, ironing out last minute details, looking over the schedule, and an underlying buzz of activity and excitement!

Our wagon is out of commission (perhaps permanently), so Speedie's stroller comes in handy when going for the ice! Tag was certain he wanted to sit on the seat even if that meant having the cooler on his lap.

It's been fun having Tori over to play occasionally this summer vacation. Play dough was a hit!

Colored pencil drawings for Expo...with some friends. The boys worked really hard on these, at least 3 hours of drawing and coloring.

The Ramirez family gifted us some outdoor boys toys including this little work table which the boys have been enjoying. (Endi and Alisha moved to Barra Vieja this last month with their two kids, Juana and Timi. Prayers for them as they adjust to a different home, community, and culture.)

Three of the four got hair trims on the porch during a downpour. Once they had their hair cut, we told them to go out in the rain to rinse off.

Along with the rain, the huge toads are back for another season! 

Heading off to the school with Whiz for his demonstration on how to prepare a watermelon! He did great. (Because of time, the demonstrations are judged before Expo and only the winners demonstrate on the big day.)

I got to go to Speedie's horse class last week and found out he was going to participate in the barrels, walking. Watching him riding confidently, I thought, "I wonder if we could trot a bit." I was worried he would freak out, but we trotted little stretches with me holding onto him and he kept asking to trot again! When we got back to the stable afterwards, he emphatically applauded himself. What a kid!

More hours of coloring...

And some painting... There were some tears from the perfectionist kid, but they all had fun and hopefully learned a thing or two.

Practice sheep show for the advanced class.

Just playing after supper...these summer days.....

Send a prayer up for a non-worrying, moment at a time, God-honoring Expo Esperanza 2017! I'm so thankful we have this opportunity and for all the help God has provided over the summer. 

Cheers to all the interns and volunteers!