Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Preschool Begins

...or I should say preschool began on August 31st. I started this post about a week ago, but didn't finish it, so now it is rather outdated. But nevertheless...here it is.

A couple days before the grand opening of preschool, I took Tadeo to see the room and decided to make him a name registry paper just like the other kids'. He was quite pleased.

Day 1. Recess. Mili.



Day 3. Cutting out circles. These are my two preschool students: Luisa and Jesus (Chui). They come from 9:00 -12:30 every morning.

Day 1. Tadeo's first day of "real" school. He comes from 12:35ish to 2:00 PM every day

 I have been working on more communication aids with him (pages with pictures from www.boardmakeronline.com) and it has been amazing to see him improve in the last couple weeks of school.

In the picture above you can see our sticker chart (for NO HITTING), his communication book, his communication device (the black rectangle - we don't use it very often), and in the background, the classroom feelings chart. All have been great tools to use with him.

Day 3. Mani coloring at recess.

Three of the kinder crew. Luisa is on the left and Chui on the right. Mili (center) is in Maestra Jackie's class.

Here Luisa and Chui are singing their favorite ever Bible Song: El Amor de Dios. (The Love of God). They pick it almost every time it is their turn to choose the song. And this day they were singing it during playtime with their newly fashioned "microphones."

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for my teaching experience. I feel like I am learning twice as much as the kids, but it is going well. I feel hopeful that we will meet our goals for the year.

Praise God and Keep Praying!