Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Scenes of Summer

Tadeo's newest friend is our most recent addition to the CVE family, six-year-old Gema (pronounced Hema). Here they are playing a clapping game during Thursday night basketball a couple weeks ago. Soon after arriving, Gema was taken to get glasses for her severe farsightedness (+2). When she put them on, she grabbed Raquel's face and exclaimed, "I can see you! I can see you!" Once in the car, she exclaimed over being able to see her shoes. She has many allergies, poor balance, and is quite talkative. Please pray for Gema, Cristina, Laura, Chuy, and Raquel (Jarrin Rabe) as the family adjusts. 

This video is from July 12th. 

Evening at the Plaza

We have been blessed with some glorious skies lately...

The last two pictures I took walking to Jovenes (Young Group) at the Wulf's on Friday night.

Saturday night, the ladies here ages 13 and up were invited to the Wulf's for Country Night hosted by Cassidy Wulf and the rest of the summer staff girls. It was very enjoyable.

This picture shows Tadeo supporting himself with his right hand, something we've been working on for the last couple months. I'm hoping the OT from clinic will be excited to see the progress when we go the beginning of August.

The rains always bring the frogs...the picture doesn't do justice to this monster of a toad.

Sewing Class

Perla with her nearly finished Olaf quilt.  
(Olaf is the talking snowman character from the Disney movie Frozen)

The finished product

Regrettably, I didn't take pictures of the other projects. I know...it's really sad. But yesterday was my last class session. Maybe I can get some pictures when they present their projects at Expo. In the first class (July 6th-13th), Perla made a quilt, Cristina made a handbag, and Aracely made a pillowcase. In the second class (July 15th-22nd), Yerania worked on a dress, Julissa worked on a quilt, Nere worked on a skirt, and Mariela made a handbag. Yerania and Julissa will finish their projects on their own, but I will have to see about helping Nere. 

Please pray for today through Saturday as our elder, Bro. Mike Leman and two other elder brothers, Lynn Fiechter, and Ron Messner spend time here. We will be having communion as well as spending time visiting and discussing plans for the church. Pray that God's direction and wisdom would guide each one of us and that we would feel His presence, inspiration, and blessing. Pray that God would make our church a true haven of truth and Christian love and that He would touch the hearts of the people so that they would come, and taste, and see!

And please pray for CVE, for each staff member and child that we can take frustrations and fears to God, be open and respectful about our feelings, and that we can feel God's hand over us even in the hard (and really hard) times.

Gifts this Month: For challenges and successes with both Tadeo and Mani. Sometimes it seems like we are running backwards whereas other times we seem to take a few steps forward. My time with Tadeo both today and on Tuesday went considerably well much to my delight and relief. I am always excited when he communicates more. Last Thursdays class (a week ago) was a disaster of hitting, biting, and me at my wit's end. I am so thankful though for all God is teaching me through these boys, all the children here, and my relationships here at Casa Betel. 

For the song birds. This morning I went out to sit on the front porch and watched a little bird with a bug in its beak jump up on our hammock. It looked around and jumped to a beam of the porch roof. Before each hop, it would peer below as if to make sure no predators were following. After several more hops, it arrived at the nest and I could hear the baby birds chirping. Sometimes watching one of God's little creatures is just what I need to smile at the world again.