Please pray for the CVE board meeting tomorrow.
Gift of the Week: Prayer. Did you ever stop to think about it? We have free access to speak with the Creator and Sustainer of this entire universe at any moment AND He is interested in what we have to say! Imagine that you could have a free private conference with the president, the boss of your company, or another leader anytime you wanted and your thoughts mattered to him! That's just pretty amazing. So several points on prayer: I've felt rather needy the last few days as I realize my inadequacy and powerlessness. I can't change situations. I can't change people. I can only be responsible for myself and my interactions with others, and I can pray. As a result, I think I've been praying a little more fervently than usual and guess what? God has been faithful and God has answered prayers. Not all the problems are solved and the path hasn't turned into the lazy river at a water park, but I know that God has heard me because there have been several specific answers for which I prayed. I also am remembering that several days ago I asked for prayers that my communication with others be clear and kind. To anyone who prayed, I want you to know that God answers prayers. No, I did not suddenly become a flawless communicator, but conversations happened and I am so thankful. Finally, I just finished reading an email from a friend where she wrote about prayer as well. Was that a coincidence? I don't think so. God has this important lesson for me that prayer matters and it makes a difference. And if I think about it...this lesson is an answer to prayer. :)
Don't stop praying!
Also, today is five years since my dad passed away. So in memory of Daddy...
My 11th birthday
Bubble fun.
Puzzle time