Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Family Time in Ixtlan

We spent two weeks in Ixtlan, the first half of January, working on projects at Miguel's mom's house and enjoying time with the family and the Ixtlan church.

My favorite project was painting the whole interior of the house. Everyone pitched in, painting or watching Anthony. And we enjoyed the result of a fresh paint job!

Anthony enjoyed playing with his cousins and they loved it too!

Left: Kevin in front of his school, Right: Natalie and Anthony enjoyed his Christmas gift from CVE

He loved the "frijoles" his Mamá Lola made!

Animals and animal sounds are a favorite right now, so we enjoyed watching the herds of goats when they passed.

One evening we took a walk through the fields and along the river. I got to see the fields that belonged to Marshall and Jan Heinold and the fruit trees they planted, and also the fields were Lola and Fani have worked harvesting strawberries!

The beautiful sunset was a highlight of our walk as well.

Park in Hermosillo

We were thankful for uneventful travels to and from Guadalajara, especially after having a 5 hour delay on our trip last year. 

Anthony has been struggling with ear infections over the last month, and got a cold while in Ixtlan. An antibiotic that was especially hard on his stomach didn't help matters either. Thankfully, a week after arriving back from Ixtlan, he seems to be doing better. 

I know I asked several groups for prayers for his health, so if you prayed, thank you so much!
Anyone who has had a child struggling with ear infections and colds knows how much I appreciate it!