Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Update from July!

It's been far too long. I started this post back in July, just before Expo week and starting work again on August 8th. So here's an update from July.

Walk to the park!

Family picture

Mommy and Anthony. I was realizing that I hadn't taken a nice picture with him in awhile, so we snapped these.

They had a little dedication for Anthony after the church service this Sunday. A prayer, a few Bible passages, and some words of blessing for our family! We pray that we can raise Anthony to know and love Jesus.

Working on those tummy time skills.

Anthony has always been alert and observant. He kept eyeing this picture of Carson (my nephew) and I on the fridge. We joked that maybe he was jealous. :) Then Daddy printed off a picture of him and I to put on the fridge too.

Comparing Anthony to my baby pictures. 
Maybe because Miguel and I look so different, we were really curious who Anthony was going to look like. As he grows, I'm more and more convinced that his appearance is a very equal mix.

 Two months old in July!

At the end of July we were getting ready for my cousins to visit and Miguel to go to Colorado for his cousins wedding, all during the weekend of Expo Esperanza 2022.