Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Year's End...Year's Beginning

We had a lovely Christmas with the traditional Christmas Eve party at CVE. Lots of games, laughter, delicious pozole, presents, skits, and singing.

Below is a picture of all the ingredients ready for pozole toppings, lettuce, radishes, limes...

The week after Christmas, Marce and I made tamales with the older girls. Neither of us has a lot of experience with making tamales, but they turned out delicious and I gained a bit more confidence that I could do it again! Besides it was a lot of fun!

I've been enjoying the occasionally video chat with Carson, got to see him smile, and just wish I could squeeze those cheeks!

The hobbies I've been dedicating time to recently have been sewing and painting. Sewing because I decided to make some T-shirt quilts, and then decided to use the scraps for napkins, and then decided to use the scraps from that to make dog toys. Balto likes the colorful rope I made for him!

The motivation for pulling my watercolors out was the three clipboards I bought and put on my kitchen wall for decoration. I had three "posters" with Christmas themed words/Bible verses, but after the Christmas season, I decided I wanted to put some fruit up. (Marce's suggestion!)

Here's the result!

Yesterday was January 6th, Día de los Reyes Magos (Day of the Wisemen). The Mexican tradition is to eat a "Rosca de los Reyes." It's this bread (above) that is decorated with dried fruit and has plastic babies hidden in it. The hidden babies are to symbolize baby Jesus being hidden from King Herod.
Whoever gets a baby in their slice has to host a tamale party on February 2nd!

It's a fun tradition. At least now I know how to make tamales!

On a final note, COVID has finally infiltrated CVE after nearly a year of affecting our lives. Although we had a blast at our Christmas Eve party, many soon came down with sore throats and coughs...it's unclear if all of it is COVID or there's a cold and COVID going around, but several people have lost their taste and smell and there's been one positive COVID test, so we know it's here.

Miguel and I both had colds, me right after Christmas (when we thought it was just a cold) and Miguel over New Year's. Thankfully, no one has had severe symptoms and hopefully, we'll all be back to feeling healthy soon!

Please pray for the car washing and detailing business that Miguel is starting! He does a great job and Lord willing, I'm hoping it can flourish and bless us and those he cleans the cars for. After several months of job uncertainty on his part, it's nice to be pursuing something.

Thanks for the prayers and support!