Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

25th birthday!

Miguel grilling me a steak dinner for my birthday!

Birthday supper!

A walk at sunset

planting my bugambilias (my birthday present!)

Trying my hand at sewing face masks last Saturday

Miguel all ready for work

Me with my face mask

The aftermath

With the extra time from no social activities, I've been enjoying drawing. Here are a couple of my favorites.

With many if not all of us under orders to stay at home, I thought this poem might be appropriate.


I was a spiritual claustrophobic
With great fear of losing control,
When God turned to me and said the words
That horrified my soul.

“Do you see that space in the crevice?
I want you to crawl right through.”
And I shuddered and worried in anguish
At this last thing I wanted to do.

How long is the passage? I wondered.
What’s found on the other side?
Will there be light for the journey?
Have others done this and died?

But God with His patient prompting,
Continued to speak His command,
“I’ve led through the rivers and battles,
I will be holding your hand.”

So finally I stooped and entered,
The passage was cramped, dark, and long
Often I thrashed in my panic
But then kept creeping along.

Sometimes I couldn’t go further,
But didn’t know how to reverse.
I thought I would die in the darkness, 
Until I remembered God’s verse.

“Even when you cannot see me,
I am holding your hand.
I’ve led you this far and will lead you,
Whatever I may demand.”

And there in my bleakest hour
My faith reaches past the damp walls.
With nothing else to sustain me,
My all on my Savior falls.

My tears carve a shimmering river
As I choke my surrender to Christ
Feeling His presence as I pledge
To follow whatever the price

Then light at the end of the tunnel,
A scramble and what have I found?
The sweetest of beauties of heaven and earth,
That amaze, enrapture, astound.

I’ll dance in this meadow of glory
Until I hear spoken again,
“Do you see that space in the crevice?
Once more it is time to begin.”