Sunday it was chilly all day.
Sunday evening, Dayton patiently let Tadeo help him wipe the tables after supper. It was really cute.
Monday, Katie's Cafe celebrated its fourth anniversary. They usually have a photo booth.
There are lots of beautiful bushes and flowers behind the cafe, so I snapped some pictures of Tadeo.
We could hear drums and trumpets in the background, probably a school getting ready for a parade or something. Tadi drummed on this table.
After we arrived back from the cafe, Julian was moving a truss (that didn't work out for the new school building.) While waiting for someone to move a vehicle, he took Tadi up in the cab.
What fun!!
On Thursday, Kendra and I took Tadeo to a clinic in Nogales, AZ. We left before 5 AM and arrived back around 9 PM so it was a long day, but very interesting. The clinic takes place once a month at a church in Nogales and about 200 handicapped children get permission to come across the border to it. Kendra said it is a lot of cerebral palsy and blindness. I also saw some boys with hearing aides. Tadeo has received a wheelchair, walker, braces, and I'm sure some other things from the clinic. It is a huge blessing. His PT, was excited to see him stand against a wall by himself and showed me some more things to do with his walker. He is supposed to use it more often now. I took my camera with the full intention to take pictures, but alas I forgot, so I'm sorry I can't give you any visuals of our day.
Also, we took a 17-year -old girl and her mother with us from Magdalena. It was great to get to know them. Lupita, the daughter, can not use her hands well, but she showed me pictures on her phone using her feet. It was really neat to see! She is just learning to walk a little.
This weekend is the wedding of Dustin Rabe from Bloomington and Eli Martinez from here. Guests have been arriving since Wednesday and tonight we are all invited to a supper in the church diningroom. May God bless them!
My Gift of the Week: Tadi
Observing all the children at the clinic on Thursday, I gave thanks for Tadi. I realized how blessed I am that inspite of his handicaps Tadi loves to interact with people and is honestly SO lovable. He has a dynamic personality AND he's really cute.
Please pray:
For Keyla's household. It has been over a month now since we were sure it was the end. It has been a month since Keyla really responded. It has been a month or more since she's eaten. Nobody, but God knows how or why she is still alive today. It is very wearing and Jodi described it like feeling lost at sea. Every day it looks the same. Please pray that they can feel God carrying them, that God would do HIS will and that He would help us through to the end.
For Dustin and Eli and their families that the wedding would go smoothly and God would bless their marriage.
For me and Tadi, that I can implement the therapist's suggestions and Tadi would put forth effort to do better.