Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Saturday, September 27, 2014

More Rain and Some Sickness too!


Monday afternoon, Taddy and I went to visit the girls' house and got to enjoy a water balloon "fight" with Marce, Belinda, Pau, Manny (running on the right side of the picture) and Ethan and Eric, Joel and Steph Rinkenberger's youngest boys (standing in the center).

Heidi (Krueger) Beer, a previous caretaker of Tadeo's, was here some of last week and this week. She watched Taddy for me on Monday morning which was a nice break. I also got to ask her about some of the things she used to do with him.  She looked through the stuff in his room (which I'd never paid attention to) and now we have a lot of "new" toys to help exercise his weaker arm and just learn overall.  One toy she pulled out was the velcro ball catcher set in the picture above.  We've been having fun!
And Kendra showed me his stretches, so I'm excited to do those with him now.

And it is still raining...not for a whole day like last week, but occasionally.  I heard of one instance being caused by another tropical storm.  They don't usually have rain this late in the year and in this abundance!

This picture was taken about ten minutes after the last one.  The wind was strong and it blew water into the concha.

Taddy and I enjoyed riding/running in it! :)

Tuesday evening I started feeling sick.  Thankfully, Marce and others from the girls' house took care of Tadeo for me all day Wednesday and Thursday while I recuperated. 

Finally, here is Soraya, Joel and Cristy Leman's daughter, with some fancy sunglasses that she tried on during the softball game this afternoon.

Starting Monday, I am planning to go to Duane and Ann Wulf's in the afternoons three days a week to help out. Tadeo will just tag along with me and I am looking forward to it.  It will be nice not to wonder almost every day, what we will be doing in the afternoon.