Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Saturday, September 27, 2014

More Rain and Some Sickness too!


Monday afternoon, Taddy and I went to visit the girls' house and got to enjoy a water balloon "fight" with Marce, Belinda, Pau, Manny (running on the right side of the picture) and Ethan and Eric, Joel and Steph Rinkenberger's youngest boys (standing in the center).

Heidi (Krueger) Beer, a previous caretaker of Tadeo's, was here some of last week and this week. She watched Taddy for me on Monday morning which was a nice break. I also got to ask her about some of the things she used to do with him.  She looked through the stuff in his room (which I'd never paid attention to) and now we have a lot of "new" toys to help exercise his weaker arm and just learn overall.  One toy she pulled out was the velcro ball catcher set in the picture above.  We've been having fun!
And Kendra showed me his stretches, so I'm excited to do those with him now.

And it is still raining...not for a whole day like last week, but occasionally.  I heard of one instance being caused by another tropical storm.  They don't usually have rain this late in the year and in this abundance!

This picture was taken about ten minutes after the last one.  The wind was strong and it blew water into the concha.

Taddy and I enjoyed riding/running in it! :)

Tuesday evening I started feeling sick.  Thankfully, Marce and others from the girls' house took care of Tadeo for me all day Wednesday and Thursday while I recuperated. 

Finally, here is Soraya, Joel and Cristy Leman's daughter, with some fancy sunglasses that she tried on during the softball game this afternoon.

Starting Monday, I am planning to go to Duane and Ann Wulf's in the afternoons three days a week to help out. Tadeo will just tag along with me and I am looking forward to it.  It will be nice not to wonder almost every day, what we will be doing in the afternoon.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pictures from the Week


Riding bikes...Tadeo, Gisel, and Madison

Playing with chalk


 Tadeo gets excited to watch the trains go by.

Independence Day Celebration at Jonathan and Bere Aupperle's Tuesday evening

 Most everyone dressed up for the occasion. The children had fun on the swings and a slide.
 Tadeo enjoying the fun.
 Then it began to rain. :) Under the porch waiting for supper to start.
 Playing soccer in the rain.


Still raining...from a hurricane in the Gulf of California

 A cozy morning at CafĂ© Sed. (The internet at CVE didn't work most of the week.)
 Joel enjoying the water pouring off the concha roof.
 Evening and still raining.  Tadeo and I arriving at my apartment after supper.
 Reading a peek-a-boo book in my apartment before going to the comedor for the evening.   Church was canceled because of the rain. The Kupferschmids, Denver, Taddy, and I listened to a VBS talk by the fireside.


 Going to see the cows and the river by the girls' house.  The water came all the way up to the Aupperle's porch.
 Playing on the trampoline behind the girls' house.
 Rain and sunshine off and on all day. Here Taddy and I enjoy a rainbow.
 Thursday evening, Austin gives Taddy a lesson in his walker.


Marce invited Tadeo and I over to Raquel's house where she was watching Chuy (Jesus). Chuy nicely shared his rocking horse with Taddy.
 Marce and Tadeo
Going on a bike ride in the afternoon.
Visiting the pigs.

Wishing God's blessings on your weekend and thanks again for the prayers!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Friday Fun

Here is a picture of Tadeo on his bike from yesterday.  He rides really well.

 Blowing bubbles with the kinder kids during their recess.


Monday and Tuesday are the celebration of independence for Mexico and the students won´t have school, so Friday morning they had a costume contest for the most Mexican outfits. Tadeo and I went to enjoy the action. Here are the winners, Bryan and Marisol.

In the evening, we got to have supper at the Duane and Ann Wulf´s.  Here Victoria is enjoying
 Taddy´s wheelchair.

And Tadeo in the highchair at their house.

Thanks again for your prayers! Please continue to pray for Keyla, her sister Osi, Jorge, and all those that are helping to care for them right now.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tadeo in His Walker

Just wanted to share this photo of Tadeo in His new walker.  Tonight was his third time using it and he did pretty well.

How I was Led

I would like to share with you the story of how I felt led to come here to Magdalena on a more long term basis.

This summer I was at CVE for about ten weeks as summer help.  During my stay, I felt God's leading to move here. The following is a more detailed account of what took place.

Near the beginning of July, Carissa asked me if I had thought about coming long term and just told me that it might be something I should pray about. I prayed, but not very seriously, and I did not feel any direction about it that I can remember. At this point I was thinking, "Maybe next year..."

Two weeks later on the third Sunday of July, Ann Wulf asked me if I would be interested in helping her home school three of her boys and I said that probably not, but I would pray about it. That night I read the book of Haggai.  One thing that struck me was chapter 1, verse 9: "Because of my house that is laid waste and ye run everyone to his own house."  After that I thought about it often. Wednesday night I read Genesis 26:1-13. Verses 2 and 3 are, "Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land that I shall tell thee of: Sojourn in this land and I will be with thee, and will bless thee." I wondered what that meant.

Saturday night I read Isaiah 58. I appreciated it so much I reread it on Sunday. Verses 6-8 were especially special to me as they spoke to me of how God wanted me to live my life serving others. On Sunday afternoon (the last Sunday of July), I talked to Mom about the above over the phone. Before I made it out of the kitchen, Bill stopped me and after some small talk asked what I thought of staying a little longer to help care for Tadeo, the boy with cerebral palsy I'd been helping with because of Keyla's cancer.

Throughout this whole time, I had been weighing the pros and cons and wondering, wondering, wondering... I worried about Mom, about my teaching and cleaning jobs, about everything.  I worried that I only felt called to come here because so many people were asking me about it.

Tuesday, I was staying by myself with Tadeo.  That night I struggled to surrender to the possibility of leaving my family and home and coming here. I also read some in the Bible and a song came to my mind that speaks of following God and also without fear. (this comes into the story later.)

Wednesday morning I opened to Matthew 25 where it speaks of "the least of these."  I thought about how Tadeo and all the children here are 'the least of these.'  Wednesday at lunch, Seth asked me what I thought of coming here. I could hardly believe yet another person was bringing it up. He encouraged me, 'it's not what you want, it's not what we want, it's what God wants."

On Friday morning, my devotional said, "If when God said, "Go", you stayed because you were so concerned about your people at home, you robbed them of the teaching and preaching of Jesus Christ Himself."  I prayed and felt calmer than usual as I opened the Bible.  I guess I was more prepared to believe. I opened to Matthew 25.  This time I looked directly at verse 40, "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." I took it at that moment by faith that I was supposed to come. But then I wondered...how long?  I flipped to Acts 11. Verse 26 says, 'And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church at Antioch." I took that by faith too.  To me it said this wasn't just a month or two stay, but for a longer amount of time. That doesn't mean that I'm for sure staying a year...I'll just be here until God says to go home which could be a few months or a few years or longer.  Friday night we had a singing and I prayed that the song I had thought of Tuesday night would be sung.  It was chosen. The chorus as I translate it to English, "Where you go, I'll go, where you are, I'll be, by your side I'll go, I will follow you, I will love the same, serve you til the end, without a single fear, I will follow you."

I talked to Bill on the first Monday of August and he suggested I give it the week to think about it and I readily agreed. After a rather difficult Monday and Tuesday morning when I just wanted to know immediately how it would work out, I just gave up, realizing that God would lead me as I go.  I felt so much more peaceful all afternoon. Tuesday night, I sat down on my bed and before opening my Bible just prayed something like, "I don't know what I need. Just speak to me." I opened and read Isaiah 45. Verse 2 says, "I will go before thee, and make the crooked paths straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron." That gave me so much encouragement and peace.

Since that time, God continued to encourage me in that this is what I am to do.  I went home at my previously decided date of August 19th and was home for three weeks.  I arrived here on the 9th and have started caring for Tadeo.  I will appreciate your prayers as I try to find a well-balanced routine for Tadeo and I.

Monday, September 8, 2014

I Need The Prayers of Those I Love

To my family and friends and loved ones everywhere,

Thank you for praying!

As I thought about my purpose for this blog, I knew that I wanted to stay connected with all of you and keep you informed so that you could pray for me. This song came to my mind, I Need the Prayers of Those I Love, #201 in the Hymns of Zion. The first verse says, "That I may true and faithful be and live for Jesus every day." 

So as you read my updates, please pray for me and everyone at Casa Vida y Esperanza that God would keep us and bless us and that all things would be done to His glory and honor. May God bless each one of you!


P.S. Please feel free to respond to my posts with comments! I will appreciate hearing from you.