Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Ending Chapters and Beginning New Ones!

3rd grade

We are finishing the school year here at CVE with 7 days left! Who's counting? Ha ha. Actually, I've really been enjoying teaching these last couple months as I've gotten into a rhythm and gotten to know the students better. 

Anthony has had a lot of milestones in the last few months. From turning one year old, to getting his first haircut, to starting to communicate with a couple signs and sounds, stacking blocks, clapping, and just this week starting to walk, we thoroughly enjoy watching him learn!



12 months!

Birthday party pictures...

And one year old photo shoot.

New photos for his bulletin board. 

Actual birthday, seeing if he would decide to destroy his cake in the comfort of his home environment. He got a little more into it than at his party!

Before and after his haircut (and hairdo).

Crazy morning hair!

I enjoyed helping to plan and host a baby shower for Todd and Zoƫ. Baby Stoller arriving next month!

Resting with mom after school

Photo at Carnisimo for Father's Day!

I'm so thankful for the last six months of teaching English and am excited to help a bit with summer school this summer. I do not plan to teach English next school year. 

In the last week, we announced that we are planning to move to the Peoria area in Illinois the beginning of the year. Miguel plans to work with Gary, my stepdad, on the farm. We are thankful for how God opened (and closed) doors to guide us in this direction. We will appreciate your prayers in the next six months as we continue to make decisions, finalize plans, pack, and move. God bless!