Introducing Anthony Javier AviƱa, born May 9th at 9:55 p.m.
He weighed 7 lb. 8 oz. and measured 20 in.
This photo is from 1 week old.
Here he is right after delivery.
Second photo as a family.
We headed up to Tucson on May 5th and were really blessed by the generosity of a couple from Tucson who lent us their guesthouse. We were surprised to be driving back one week later as Anthony was born a few days early. We arrived back to Magdalena on the 12th. My due date was the 13th.
Hanging out with Daddy. We think he looks like his dad.
Grammy had gotten her plane ticket to come for May 9th a month or so previously. We talked (kind of joking) that if I was in labor, she would have to take an uber. She arrived that evening and took an uber, getting to hold Anthony an hour or so after he was born right in the delivery room. She has been here for the past week and a half and leaves next week. It has been such a blessing to have her help and support and we are going to miss her so much! In the photo above we were enjoying the refreshing evening breeze by Miguel's little corn patch.
Anthony has been a really calm baby. He is eating and sleeping well so far and already passed up his birth weight. The temperatures here are climbing and he gets warm easily, so he's been wearing onesies and light swaddles. We are so in love and soaking up every moment.
Thanks so much for your love and prayers and support!