Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Electrical Adventures

So it's starting to get chilly in the mornings and I took this photo to document it.

 Also as promised I have a photo of my pie from the Chili and Pie Night two weeks ago. Alas I forgot to snap the photo until after the judges had tried a piece (and the cool whip had melted).

Caramel Apple Pecan Pie

Probably because of appearance, my pie did not win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. Next time I will chill it longer before putting the cool whip on. However, I did get some rave reviews. A few people told me it was their favorite and one told me it was the best pie they had ever tasted, so maybe I'll try again with the same recipe next year. 

The day before pie night our electricity suddenly sputtered and went out. 

Thursday night and all day Friday we had no electricity until Saturday morning when an electrician was able to replace this wire. Thankfully, the wire did not cause a fire when it burnt up. Our only casualties were the milk that soured in the fridge and the banana ice-cream that melted in the freezer. Thankfully we have a gas stove and gas heated water heater!

The Sunday after the electricity adventure and Pie night we enjoyed a fun board game with Duane Wulf. And Monday morning, I got to help butcher hogs again. I always help with the skinning. (skip the next three photos if you don't want to see.)

Keni and I posing with the bacon.

The butchering site.

Also, I got a new pair of glasses. My other ones were loosing their antireflectant coating and now that I have new ones, I can't believe how bad the old ones were. 

If You Should Ever Doubt

If you should ever doubt
A God created man,
If you should ever question
Design by sovereign plan,

If you should ever wonder 
How heaven came to be,
If people tell you always,
“It’s all evolved, you see,”

Then ask yourself some questions
And gaze up at the stars,
And learn about this world
From mustard seeds to Mars.

And you will find that somehow
As you learn these things to love
That mustard seeds of faith
Can grow to reach the stars above.

In my last post, I asked my readers to comment. However, I have been informed from those who attempted that their comments would not go through. I tried to fix this, but have not been able to, so my apologies.