Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Monday, August 15, 2016

Expo 2016

Expo Esperanza 2016...here we come!!

Marce and Pau ran a fruit stand at the Expo

Cattle class

Tadi getting ready to ride.

Tadi didn't want to get on first, then he waved to the crowd and made them all cheer. This amount of attention brought about an emotional breakdown as usual, but then he cheered up, enjoyed the ride AND won reserve champion, much to our surprise and delight. He is very proud of his trophy.

Perla singing during the music performances.

Mani won first place for beginners in drawing/colored pencil for his colored pencil drawing.

And he won first place for beginners in Bread and Tortillas for his Empanadas.

Watching more animal shows on Friday.

Friday afternoon was demonstration, oral interpretation, and drama. Here two ballerinas wait for their turn on stage.

The 2016 Expo participants.

Expo participants along with the summer interns.

The prize banquet Saturday night.

Thanking God for another successful weekend of Expo and that school starts in one week. I'm looking forward to the schedule.

Please pray for Mani as he begins grade school, for Tadeo as I continue to do therapy with him especially for his communication skills, and for our household (Marce, Kendra, Tadeo, Mani and I) as we figure out life together. Please pray that God works His will in our lives and is glorified.

Colorado Bound

On Monday July 18th, I flew to Denver, Colorado to meet up with my family for a vacation.

Eating at Sonic at 11 pm. after my flight was delayed two hours. :)

Pillow fight with Timi the next morning.

Hotel breakfast

I decided I picked the best part of the trip to drive with them. Heading west out of Denver, we began to cross the Rockies.

Beautiful pines and rivers

Ski resorts

We exited at No Name exit and arrived at Glen Canyon Resort, the campground where we stayed.

Checking out the Colorado river while waiting for our cabins to be available.

Our two cabins. (This is a panoramic picture, so the row of cabins were not curving away as it appears.)

Each cabin had a bunk and a full-size bed.
Timi showing off his bunk.

We went to eat supper with the rest of the Unsicker crew at the pavilion.
Justin and I compared heights. He's awfully close to catching up to me!

Timi's still got a ways to go.
These two are the only two of my siblings still shorter than me. 

Hiking Thursday morning.

We decided it was more adventurous to hike in the stream, so we did that for a bit. The water was ice cold, but it was fun trying to find the best route on the rocks.

Wild raspberries

Looking back down the river

The highest we went, a little lookout point. By the distant ridge, we could tell we'd ascended quite a bit since the same ridge towered over our camp site.

My brothers and me.

While eating supper that night, we saw this amazing rainbow that was in front of the mountain.

We also zip-lined and white water rafted, but since you have to buy those pictures, I don't have any to share. :( Just lots of good memories.

Then we drove back to Illinois... where I visited for the next week and a half.