Friday morning a new girl came to live with us. Her name is Kenia and she is 12 years old. She is sharing a room with me. Also, our house now has a new name: Casa Betel or Bethel House. Bethel means "House of God and door to heaven." Living at our house are Kendra, Marce, Pau, me, Yaneli -15, Yerania - 15, Kenia - 12, Tadeo - 10, and Mani - 5.
Saturday evening, we had a special meal for Denver and Katie. There were many guests and all of CVE was invited.
Trying to figure out the icecream machine directions.
Tadi dressed up for the occasion.
Me with the bride and groom.
Sunday after the wedding, we got to meet the newly-weds.
And then they left in the jeep.
Gift of the Week: A safe trip to Illinois and starting a week with my family!