Hymns of Zion #201

"...I want my friends to pray for me, to hold me up on wings of faith, that I may walk the narrow way, kept by our Father's glorious grace...I need the prayers of those I love." Hymns of Zion #201

Friday, April 13, 2018

Randomness or God’s Design?

Random occurrence #1: In route to the border I usually never stop, but this last Tuesday I did and I discovered this really cute café where I got my breakfast.

I loved the fireplace.

Random occurrence #2: I was driving on the interstate and a rake flew off the top of the truck in front of me. Not much further along, I exited along with the truck. I was thinking, “If I end up beside the truck at the stop light (not going to happen, right?) I’ll tell him the rake flew out of his truck.” Guess what… I ended up beside him at the stoplight and told him that a rake at flown out of his truck.


Random occurrence #3: At Walmart, I was checking out and my carton of blueberries spilled all over the floor. They had to page someone to come sweep it up. After sweeping it up, the employee even brought me a new carton of blueberries.

Random occurrence #4: I got out to my vehicle and was getting ready to load all of my items when two men walked up. I’m assuming they were father and son. Seeing all my groceries, they offered to help and passed them all up to me while I organized them.

Random occurrence #5: I went to get a sandwich at Subway. I really wanted a cookie, but I also always like avocado on my sandwiches. I had decided to only get a cookie when I saw sign on the counter that said, “ Get a free cookie when you add an extra [such as avocado] to your sandwich.” So I got avocado and a cookie!

Random occurrence #6: I arrived at the visa place and renewed my visa. As I was getting in my vehicle, a man walked up asking for money for food. I gave him some food from my groceries and then drove over to the convenience store to get him some more food. I asked where he was going, wished him a good trip, and shook his hand.

The night darkened as I drew closer to CVE and I watched the bright speck of Venus sink in the western sky.

I could be amazed at what a lot of random coincidences took place during my trip to Tucson, but instead I believe God wanted tell me that He is orchestrating every little occurrence across the face of this earth. What was impressed upon me was how at times random people helped me and other times I helped random people.  Everyone of those people has been created by God and He loves them just as much as He loves me!

Welcome to the family, Buddy!

This little guy moved in with us two weeks ago today. He is six years old and has lived on campus for five years. Welcome to the family, Buddy!

Kid burritos...😋😃

Easter morning dawned bright and beautiful. It was a beautiful day remembering the hope we find in Jesus. It was our Easter program and the choir sang. And for me, the more singing, the better the day! So it was a wonderful day.

Marce and I accidentally matched. Photo credits: Zoom

One afternoon I took the boys out back in the brush to play, hoping to lie on a blanket and read my book. Soon after arriving to our chosen location, the boys lifted an old piece of aluminum and two large, pink snakes made a hasty exit. We made a hasty exit as well to a new location.

Our new location was by a big tree where we hung up our rope to use as a swing.

Thankful for older boys who reach out to the younger ones...

Marce posing with the amazing flowering cactus.

Snake sighting number two.

There will always be new ways for little boys to dig holes!

The Rink boys having a fun ride!


Thankful for tall people who can check the smoke alarms. This made me smile!

I spy a little ground squirrel, one of many who live under the white storage trailer.

Congratulations Todd and Zoë Stoller!!

Marce was gifted a tricycle and we have been greatly enjoying it. Family bike rides are great!

I was blessed to celebrate my birthday with some very special friends, so many ladies who encourage me and walk beside me through the best and worst moments.


The CVE freezer celebrated my birthday by breaking down and we almost had to remove all the food before it got fixed. Thankfully it got fixed just in time.

Frijoles charros for Sunday supper with the Bluffton Bible class team.

Kendra teaching me how to run the meat slicer.

New Wheelchair 


On March 1st Speedie received a new wheelchair at clinic.

 I am trying to make up for the lack of posts this last month, so hopefully more will be coming. 

How I love this Place!

When I look up at this mountain, I feel so happy to be right here!

For me, it is so much more than a mountain. It symbolizes challenge and adventure. It reminds me of good memories. It makes me feel at home. 

I picture the view from the summit, the town of Magdalena and beside it CVE. And I pray for God to bless this valley with the power of His truth! 

I think about everything that God is doing here and I praise Him because it is His plan, His purpose, His battle, and He will do it!